Behind the Foster Hero Tee

Behind the Foster Hero Tee

Being a compassionate person is exhausting. It's draining. And it's rewarding. It's something you can't help being. Not only that, but everyone else is quick to call you "sensitive", "emotional", maybe even "weak". However, compassionate people are some of the TOUGHEST people I've ever met.
Animal Rescue has been something something I've always been passionate about, yet I never had the opportunity to make it happen. Some things I couldn't help, but other things were because I was too embarrassed. The last couple of months I have dove into learning all I could about Pet Behavior, that dove me into finding out about Fostering. I heard of people fostering pets but I never gave it much thought. Until I learned everything about it and now it's changed my view on everything. Fostering animals is an very Important and NEEDED job that most people don't realize. Your beloved cat or dog, may have only had their chance at life because of a Foster home taking them in and giving them the care/love they needed to survive. Most shelters and rescues are constantly at maximum compacity. This leaves animals who are sick, injured, neonates (cats/dogs who are newborn or under the age of 8 weeks old) or special needs gives them a slimmer chance at living because they require a lot of attention/medical attention. Foster Homes (people who open they're homes to temporarily love and care for these babies) allow those animals a chance for life, and to grow into the perfect pet. THESE PEOPLE, ARE HEROES. These are the people that bring babies in, give them love/attention/care, knowing that they will be going to another or potentially not make it. 
It's not an easy job to do. But it's incredibly rewarding. People that are compassionate often face what is called "Compassion Fatigue". They burn out, feel like they aren't making a big enough difference, or start to feel hopeless. But they keep going because in the end it's incredibly rewarding and you ARE making a huge difference. I wanted to make a T-Shirt design to remind these people that what they are doing, is Hero work. They deserve to be reminded how important they are, and feel seen. Thank you to all who Foster... If you are interested in learning more about becoming a foster parent, you can message us under the Contact Us tab! 


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